Resources to assist.
Alberta Resolution Services
For low income families experiencing family conflict who require mediation or court intervention.
Parenting After Separation Seminar
A free 6-hour workshop offered jointly by Alberta Justice and the Court of King's Bench designed to help parents understand how separation or divorce affects them and their children. The seminar offers suggestions about how to make positive parenting choices while living apart.
Focus On Communication In Separation Seminar
Focus on Communication in Separation (FOCIS) is a six hour, skill-based course teaching parents how to communicate effectively while living apart. FOCIS aims to enhance the communication skills of parents, reduce parental conflict and improve long term outcomes for children.
Alberta Family Mediation Society
Alberta Family Mediation Society (AFMS) advocates resolution of family conflict through the use of mediation by qualified professionals.
Spousal Support Guidelines
Not everyone who makes less money than their spouse is entitled to spousal support. It is still a grey area in the courts and there are many factors to consider in determining who is entitled, to how much, and for how long.
Matrimonial Property Act
This act pertains to your legal rights regarding the division of your assets and liabilities. It is one of two acts that governs divorce.
The High Conflict Institute
High Conflict Institute was founded to provide education and resources to professionals handling High Conflict disputes, and to anyone involved in relationships of any kind with people who have High Conflict Personalities (HCPs).
“Heidi was the mediator assigned to us by the judge because we were considered high conflict and needed help. We now have a plan for our son that makes way more sense. I still don’t talk to his mom. We only email once a week but I think we are both better parents for it. Never knew what mediation was but I’m glad we went. Judge was happy we solved our problem without a trial. No one wins in that case.”